Policy Research & Evaluation

Department of Communities & Justice NSW
In July 2019 the Department of Communities and Justice NSW (DCJ) (formerly Family and Community Services) engaged Cox Inall Ridgeway to undertake research and provide strategic advice about ways to strengthen the role of Aboriginal people in the homelessness sector.

Gidgee Healing
Between 2018 and 2019, CIR was commissioned to undertake a review of Gidgee Healing’s policies and procedures to assess and make recommendations for a cultural safety framework. Gidgee Healing is an Aboriginal community-controlled health organisation based across central Queensland, centred in Mount Isa.

Indigenous Legal Assistance Program
Cox Inall Ridgeway conducted an independent national review of the Indigenous Legal Assistance Program (ILAP) for the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department in late 2018 and early 2019. The ILAP provides the primary funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services across Australia, to deliver front-line legal services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults, children and their families.

Indigenous Procurement Policy
Cox Inall Ridgeway, in partnership with Urbis, undertook the Year One Review of the Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP) on behalf of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. The IPP was developed to create opportunities for Indigenous businesses to be awarded Commonwealth contracts and, in doing so, increase employment opportunities within Indigenous businesses.

Mental health
CIR has 12 years of experience across the mental health and wellbeing sector. CIR presents a strong team with skills in culturally appropriate evaluation and expertise in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and related issues.

National Centre for Cultural Competence
Cox Inall Ridgeway was engaged by the University of Sydney in 2019 to review their National Centre for Cultural Competence (the NCCC). The aims of the review were to understand how the NCCC is operating and the effectiveness of what the NCCC has achieved in regard to its stated goals.

Ministry of Health
In 2018, Cox Inall Ridgeway and Urbis were contracted by the NSW Ministry of Health to evaluate their cultural competency package, Respecting the Difference. The package includes compulsory online and voluntary face to face training. Cox Inall Ridgeway worked alongside Urbis to develop the evaluation framework. The evaluation was multi-dimensional using a mixed methods approach.

Referendum Council
In 2017 Cox Inall Ridgeway was engaged to support the Referendum Council, to host digital consultations with the Australian community on the key options for constitutional reform.